Friday, April 25, 2014

April 24th News and Notes

April 24th News and Notes
Hey guys!

A few notes- we need parent helpers for our school-wide Field Day on Wednesday, May 21 st.  If you would like to help out, just give us a note in your child's folder! Please let us know also if you will be able to attend our Field Trip to Springfield, IL on Tuesday, May 20 th.  Also, the weather is still cooler/rainy, so a rain jacket or light jacket would be very helpful for recess time. Lastly, this coming week is my last week student teaching. I'm sad to leave, but feel blessed to have worked with each of your children. 

Memory Work for the Week of April 28 th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
God demonstrates His own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8

Thursday (First and Second)
Jesus said, "Because I live, you also will live."  John 14:19

Friday (Second)
The Seventh Commandment:  You shall not steal.

Next week will be unit test week over Unit 5 in our Reading books.  This means we will not have regular Tuesday-Thursday Reading homework since we work hard on Unit tests each day in class and we will  not begin a new story.  Please take this opportunity to review all of the Unit Five vocabulary and sight words which can be found on the March 24th - April 17th News and Notes posts.

Please look for the updated lists on Spelling City labeled "Unit Five Review".  Words for both classes this week are review words selected from lists throughout Unit Five.

First Grade Words:  her   bird   cart  barn  born  horn  cow  town  
Bonus Word:  great

Second Grade Words:  nap  napkin  pen  pencil  human  giant  lit  little  no  noble
Bonus Word:  neighbor

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
Magic Tree House continued....

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
Kathryn Sutton
Aaron Logsdon

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17 News and Notes

April 17 News and Notes

Are you enjoying the beautiful weather? I know I am! Please send a light jacket to school with your child for the hook.  If it is windy/slightly chilly by recess time in the morning, they have to wear something on their arms! 

Due to the fact that it is another short week, students will say memory on Thursday and Friday. This is for BOTH grades. Reading will be normal this week.

Bike-A-Thon -Thursday, April 24 th

A few things to remember for this event:
*Please drop your child's bike or scooter off at they gym on Thursday morning.  Please mark the bike somehow with your child's name.
*Please send along helmets and any pads you would like them to wear and mark clearly with student name.
*Kids are required to bring a water bottle.  Please mark this also clearly with the student name. No water bottle- no bike ride.

Our field trip will take place on Tuesday, May 20th.  We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois to visit Riverside Stables.  Our trip will include a tour of the barn, a group lesson on horse care, a visit with the barn animals, a turn to ride on a horse, a hay rack ride, and a picnic lunch.  Cost for adults will be $10.  Student admission is paid for through the Field Trip Fund.  More details will follow as we get closer.  Please send Mrs. Bradshaw a note or email if you would like to join us as an adult chaperone and driver!

Memory Work for the Week of April 15th:

Thursday (First and Second)
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:20

Friday (First and Second)
Jesus said, "I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28:20

First Grade Reading Story:  A Tiger Cub Grows Up
High Frequency Words/Vocabulary:  wild   learn   enough   air   cub   eyes   open

Second Grade Reading Story:  Nutik, the Wolf Pup
Vocabulary:  glanced   beloved   promised   noble   gleamed   wiggled


First Grade Words:  spoil   coin   join   joy   toy   boy   town   mouse
Bonus Word:  enough

Second Grade Words:  no   noble   male   female   baby   basic   bacon   relate   return   lion
Bonus Word:  beloved

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade:  Eric Forney
Second Grade:  Hannah Epperson

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!

Miss Wood

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 11 News and Notes

April 11th News and Notes

Wow! Testing week is over! Everyone did great, so make sure to give them a great big pat on the back! Since testing week is over, there will be no more water bottles at the desks.   Thank you for helping us out this week with the water bottles! 

Scholastic Book Order Form for April
Please look for a Scholastic Book Order form to come home in the Friday Communication Folder.  If you would like to order this month, please return completed order form along with a check made out to Scholastic Book Club by Wednesday April 16th.

A Light Jacket for the Hook
For the next few weeks we will likely be experiencing colder mornings and warmer afternoons.  I suggest that you send a light jacket that can be kept at school on your child's hallway hook.  This way, they can wear their home coats/jackets in the morning, and have an option to change into for the warmer afternoon recess or P.E. times.  Hopefully, it will start to level out on the temperature/weather soon. Thanks!

No School on Friday 18 or Monday 21st!!
Due to this week being a short week we will have our spelling test on Thursday. There will also only be Memory on Tuesday and Thursday.  We will also send home the soft books on Wednesday instead of Thursday.

Memory Work for the Week of April 14th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Thursday (First and Second)
The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

First Grade Reading Story:  Happy Fall!
Sight Words/Vocabulary:  against   yellow   fall   orange   sure   wondered   below   season

Second Grade Reading Story:  Farfallina and Marcel
Vocabulary:  peered   giggled   snuggled   fluttered   vanished   recognized


First Grade Words:  cow   town   how   mouse   out   mouth   born   fork
Bonus Word:  sure

Second Grade Words:  lit   little   set   settle   rip  ripple   pad  paddle   middle   bubble
Bonus Word:  recognized

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade: Remi Wallis
Second Grade:  Brynn Dolbeare

Book Nook:
Junie B. Jones continued

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!

Miss Wood

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 7th-11th News and Notes

April 3 News and Notes
Hi all!  It’s Miss Wood here!  I’m going to be taking over the blog here on out.  Wow, school sure is flying by this semester, testing is next week!  Due to testing, this coming week your student will not have Math, Social Studies or Memory at all. Remember, a good breakfast and a good nights rest does wonders during testing week. We will supply the number two pencils. ALSO, STUDENTS WILL NEED TO BRING A WATER BOTTLE FOR EACH DAY OF TESTING.  This will serve as the drink during our snack time breaks.  A big "thank you" to the PTL for providing snacks this year!  We will continue with Reading/Grammar as normal this week.  Spelling this week will be ‘tested’ with a Spelling Bee on Friday. 
Make sure you’re checking up on the eagle! The eggs hatched last year around this time, and all of the class is super excited.

First Grade Reading Story:  Stormy Weather
Sight Words/Vocabulary:  their   cold   warm   great   know

Second Grade Reading Story:  Meet the Super Croc
Vocabulary:  site   hopeful   unable   confirm   ancient   valid

Kids are bored?  Have them play Spelling City!

First Grade Words:  born   horn   corn   cork   fork   pork   barn   arm
Bonus Word:  great

Second Grade Words:  human   giant   lady   lazy   crazy   navy    gravy   solo   open   odor
Bonus Word:  ancient

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade:   Alana Lemon
Second Grade:  Hannah Epperson

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
Junie B. Jones

God Bless and have a great week!

Miss Wood

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Water Bottles Allowed At Desks This Week

Due to the amount of colds and coughs in our room currently, we are allowing the students to keep water bottles at their desks FOR THIS WEEK ONLY.  Hopefully we will be all better by next week, and they won't be needed after that.  Thanks!