Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24th News and Notes

Lutheran Schools' Week!
Lutheran Schools' Week begins this Sunday with the kids singing in church at the 10:00 service.  Please refer to the schedule that was sent home in folders last Friday for the activities and special dress for each day. 

Reading Homework Change
Due to the Talent Show on Thursday evening, I will be switching Reading homework assignment days this week.  Please look for ziplocs to be coming home on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings instead of Tuesday/Thursday.  Thanks!

Book It! for January
If your child plans on participating to earn their Personal Pan Pizza this month, please have completed forms turned in by Friday, February1st.

Prayer Pals
Students are welcome to pick up Prayer Pals for people needing prayer.  These can be found every Sunday in the church pews and a sign out book is available on the Communication Table.  We also have some in the school office, but please have students come in before the 8:00 bell or just after the 3:00 bell to pick one up during the school day.  These are the times that Mrs. Kendall will be available to help.  Thanks!

Memory Work for the Week of January 28th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
Jesus said, "I have come to call sinners to repentance."  Luke 5:32

Thursday (First and Second)
Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you.  Mark 5:19

Friday (Second)
The  Fourth Commandment:  Honor your father and your mother.

First Grade Reading Story:  Gram and Me
Sight Words/Vocabulary:  pretty   says   about   give   write   were

Second Grade Reading Story:  Officer Buckle and Gloria
Vocabulary:  tips   obeys   accident   buddy   enormous   attention

First Grade Words:  me   we   feed   keep   seat   beak   play   rain
Bonus Word:  write

Second Grade Words:  boil   broil   moist   soil   avoid   point   oil   joy   toy   royal
Bonus Word:  enormous

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade:  Brynn Dolbeare
Second Grade:  Jada Dolbeare

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
I Spy Books

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!

Mrs. Bradshaw

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