Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 10th News and Notes

Field Trip Wrap-Up
We had a great time in St. Louis on Tuesday!  A big thanks to the parents that were able to go along and chaperone, and to all parents for getting the kids to school in time to leave at 7:30 and for making sure they had their lunches and spending money!  We had beautiful weather, safe travels, and t-shirts (finally!)  and were very blessed indeed!

Team Jesus T-shirts
We will need to wear our orange "Team Jesus" t-shirts for a couple of upcoming events.  First, please send your child in the t-shirt for chapel next Wednesday, May 15th since we are the leaders that day.  Also, please have children wear them for Wednesday, May 22nd which is our Field Day.  (If you are concerned about staining, you might send another shirt along on the 15th to change into.)  I think the shirts turned out great and the butterflies really enjoyed the orange color at The Butterfly House on Tuesday!  Thanks to the St. John's PTL for providing funds to buy these shirts for all of our students.

Bike-A-Thon - Take Two - Tuesday, May 14th
A few things to remember for this event:
*Please drop your child's bike or scooter off at they gym on Tuesday morning.  Please mark the bike somehow with your child's name.
*Please send along helmets and any pads you would like them to wear and mark clearly with student name.
*Kids are encouraged to bring a water bottle.  Please mark this also clearly with the student name.  They can set them in my classroom refrigerator until the time of the event.
Luther Manor Trip - Friday, May 17th
Friday morning, we will be travelling to Luther Manor along with 3rd and 4th grade to provide some entertainment for them during their Nursing Home Week celebration.  Please make sure your child wears something appropriate for a performance (not fancy, just clean and presentable).  We are in need of some drivers that morning.  If you would be available, please let me know as soon as possible.

Memory Work for the Week of May 20th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food at the proper time.  Psalm 145:15

Thursday (First and Second)
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  Matthew 22:37

Friday (Second)
Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.  Hebrews 13:16

First Grade Reading Story:  Cool Jobs
Sight Words/Vocabulary:  only  laugh  goes  build  ordinary  interesting

Second Grade Reading Story:  A Way to Help Planet Earth
Vocabulary:  hardest  conservation  extinct  trouble  remains

I'm goin' to ... Spelling City ... Spelling City here I come ....

First Grade Words:  retry  reuse  remake  unpack  unsafe  unlike  saw  cause 
Bonus Word:  interesting

Second Grade Words:  place  replace  nine  ninety  side  sidewalk  face  inside  these  tadpole
Bonus Word:  conservation

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
Magic Tree House Books ... continued

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!
Mrs. Bradshaw

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