Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 15th News and Notes

Second, Third, and Fourth Grade Thanksgiving Play - Wednesday, November 20th
Mrs. Begley was glad to have our second graders help her fill out her annual Thanksgiving Play with additional Pilgrims and Indians!  They have been working hard and are excited for their performance during our chapel this upcoming Wednesday. 

Memory Work for the Week of November 18th are lyrics to a song for our Christmas Musical entitled "Shout for Joy".  If you would like a source for the tunes of the songs, there is a You Tube video of a Baptist church's performance.  Just type "A Band of Shepherds" in the search window.

Tuesday (First and Second)
Shout!  Shout for joy, all creation.
Shout!  Shout for joy!
For when He comes, our promised one,
Everyone will shout for joy.

Thursday (First and Second)
The field of grass will stand.
The trees will clap their hands.
The mountains and meadows both will.

No Friday Memory for Second Grade due to their extra work on the Thanksgiving Play!

Look for sight words and vocabulary for both grades highlighted in yellow (in a short story before the main story and in the main story itself) each week in the Reading book!

First Grade Story:  Beth and the Band
Vocabulary:  all   want   under   put   show   together

Second Grade Story:  African-American Inventors
Vocabulary:  powerful   design   allowed   instrument   products   invented

Can't say enough about Spelling City! 

First Grade Words:
fish   shop   ship   with   thin   thank   run   bug  
Bonus Word:  want

Second Grade Words:
flute   mule   tune   duke   dune   bugle   use   music   June   fuse
Bonus Word:  instrument

Sonic Superstars of the Week:
First Grade:  Charlie Noel
Second Grade:  Beau Johnson

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
 Joke Books

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!

Love and Blessings,
Mrs. Bradshaw

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