Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 6th News and Notes

First Grade Unit 2 Vocabulary Check The vocabulary check that I did this week with first grade is coming home in the Friday Communication Folder.  Words that are circled are those that need to be practiced the most. 

Look for the new Reading book to be coming home next Tuesday evening.  Before the main selection (the one listed on the homework half slip), there is a very short story that helps teach the vocabulary words for the upcoming main selection.  Also, vocabulary words are highlighted in yellow throughout the main selection.  Please check this out the next time the book comes home!  This is true for both the First Grade and Second Grade Reading books!

Scholastic Reading Club Orders for December
If you would like to order from Scholastic this month, please click on the link above and use class activation code GQYQQ to connect the order to our class.  I will finalize online orders on Wednesday, December 11th after school for sure this time since we want our books to come in before we leave for Christmas Break, so please make sure you have ordered by that time.  If you would like your order to remain a secret from your student, please send me an email or note to let me know and I can make that happen for you.  Sorry, I did not receive any order forms by mail this month, so all orders will have to be done online...


More work for the Christmas Program!

Tuesday (First and Second)
All glory be to God on high
And to the earth be peace.
Good will henceforth from heaven to men
Begin and never cease.

Thursday (First and Second)
Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing.
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord the newborn King.


 First Grade Reading Story : On My Way to School
Vocabulary:  away   school   today   way   why  

Second Grade Reading Story:  The Alvin Ailey Kids
Vocabulary:  remember   perform   effort   proud   mood

Spelling City!  Spelling City!  Spelling City!

First Grade Words:   make   take  came   game   gate   late  shop  with
Bonus Word: school

Second Grade Words:  term  clerk   herd  skirt  first   stir   hurt   churn   burst   turn
Bonus Word:  remember

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade:  Trenten Coffman
Second Grade:  Maddie Bradshaw

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
Christmas Stories... continued

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!
Mrs. Bradshaw

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