Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 3rd News and Notes

October Book Order
 A book order form can be found in your child's Friday Communication Folder.  If you would like to order this month, please send order and payment back to school by Wednesday, October 8th.  Please make checks payable to the company from which we are ordering and return in an envelope marked with your child's name.  Look for the attached coupon on this month's flyer.  You can give online ordering a try!  Please use class code   GQYQQ   and click the link above for Scholastic Reading Club. 

Memory Work for the Week of October 6th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
When I am afraid, I will trust in You.  Psalm 56:3

Thursday (First and Second)
God provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.  Acts 14:17

Friday (Second)
The First Commandment:  You shall have no other gods.
The Second Commandment:  You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
The Third Commandment:  Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
The Fourth Commandment:  Honor your father and your mother.
The Fifth Commandment:  You shall not murder.

First Grade Reading Story: Flip
Sight Words: come    good    pull    down

Second Grade Reading Story: Meet Rosina
Vocabulary: signing    celebrate    cultures    deaf    relatives

Please look for the updated lists on Spelling City!
First Grade Words:    hot   ran   be   fast   if   has   he   hand   his   got
Bonus Words:  said   the
Second Grade Words:    hike   line   pipe   five   side   fin   did   mix   rip   pick                                Bonus Word: celebrate

This Week's McDonald's Superstars:
First Grade:  Ethan Moline
Second Grade: Kathryn Sutton
Next Week's Book Nook Topic:

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!

Love and Blessings,
Mrs. Bradshaw

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