Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20 News and Notes

Scholastic Book Fair
Many of you may have been wondering when the annual Scholatic Book Fair will be since this has typically been a September event.  The Book Fair has moved to February this school year to be in conjunction with Lutheran Schools' Week.  Until then, I plan on sending a monthly book order (in case you need a resource for reasonably priced, current books for your student).  Thank you for your support of these book orders.  We receive points from each order with which we are able to acquire new types of tools to use in our classroom.  Let me know also if you need to place a "secret" order for a birthday or holiday and I can help you with that also!
Memory Work for the Week of September 23rd:
Tuesday (First and Second)
Pray for those who mistreat you.  Luke 6:28

Thursday (First and Second)
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.  Romans 8:28
 Friday (Second)
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all gods.  Psalm 96:4

First Grade Reading Story: Flip
Sight Words: come    good    pull    down

Second Grade Reading Story: Meet Rosina
Vocabulary: signing    celebrate    cultures    deaf    relatives

Please look for the updated lists on Spelling City!

First Grade Words: clip   flip   slip   flag   black   plan   win   sit
Bonus Word: good
Second Grade Words: hike   line   pipe   five   side   fin   did   mix   rip   pick                                Bonus Word: celebrate

This Week's Sonic Superstars:
First Grade:  Kathryn Sutton
Second Grade: Aaron Logsdon
Next Week's Book Nook Topic:

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead
Mrs. Bradshaw

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