Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27 News and Notes

Pizza Hut Book It! Reading Incentive Program Begins October 1st!
 In the communication folder on Monday evening, you will find a form for Book It! for the month of October.   First graders are asked to read 10 books during the month, and the goal for second graders is 15 books.  Reading homework assignments do not count as Book It! books.  Chapter books may be counted by writing each chapter as a single "book" on the form.  If you would like to participate, please complete the project and return the form by the due date at the bottom.  Students with completed forms by the due date will receive a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.  I will scan a blank form and include in a later post on this blog as well.  Please note that this project is not required, but a great incentive for students to practice their skills and read for fun at home!

American Sign Language Link Above
The second graders really enjoyed learning a little sign language with their Reading story Meet Rosina.  Above please find a link to a website that will teach basic words in sign.  Also be sure to check out a video on You Tube entitled "ABC Song/ASL alphabet - American Version" by My Smart Hands.  I will also be sending a paper copy of the ASL alphabet in the Monday communication folder.  What a great new way to practice spelling words each week- by spelling them in sign language!

Thank You!
A big thank you to all who remembered me on my birthday this week!  I felt very special! 

Memory Work for the Week of September 30th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
Jesus said, "You did not choose Me, but I chose go and bear fruit."  John 15:16

Thursday (First and Second)
The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  Hebrews 13:6

Friday (Second)
To fear the Lord is to hate evil.  Proverbs 8:13

Reading First Grade Reading Story:  Soccer
Vocabulary:  very   help   use   now

Second Grade Reading Story:  My Name Is Yoon
Vocabulary:  cuddle  favorite  patient  practiced  settled  wrinkled

Please look for the updated lists on Spelling City!

First Grade Words:  land   sand   fast   past   sink   wink   flip   black   Bonus Word: very

Second Grade Words:  dog  box  fox  lock  pot  poke  rope  home  nose  cone  Bonus Word: favorite

This Week's McDonald's Superstars:
First Grade:  Charlie Noel
Second Grade:  Landon Rickey

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!
Mrs. Bradshaw

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