Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 12th News and Notes

Christmas Time, Christmas Talent!
When:  Thursday, December 18th, 7:00 p.m.
Where:  St. John's Lutheran School Gym
Who:  All students in grades K-8 have a part in the program, as well as others with individual talent acts.
Details:  Kids will be meeting their class in the gym at 6:30.  Please dress children appropriately as they will all be involved in some sort of choir or performance.

Drivers Needed
We will be presenting some of the talent from the Christmas Time, Christmas Talent! program to the residents of Luther Manor on Friday morning, December 19th.  Please let me know if you might be able to help transport students.

Upcoming Important Dates Next Week
Thursday - Christmas Time, Christmas Talent! - 7:00 - School Gym
Friday -  Students travel to Luther Manor to present Christmas Time, Christmas Talent!
Early Dismissal for Christmas Break at 12:30

Memory Work for the Week of December 15th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
I will send thee six by six,
Six flocks of sheep with shepherds....

Thursday (First and Second)
I will send thee seven by seven,
Seven multitudes of angels...


Next week is unit test time!  This means we will not have regular Tuesday-Thursday night Reading homework.  Kids work hard on the unit tests all week during school time and do not begin a new story on these weeks.  Please take this opportunity to review all of the Unit Two vocabulary words which can be found on the October 24th through December 5th  News and Notes posts.  

In the place of a Spelling test next week, each class will be having a Spelling Bee over all words learned so far this school year.  Feel free to look back at all of the old blog posts or to play games with old lists on Spelling City to allow your child to study for their "bee".

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade - Ethan Moline
Second Grade - Remi Wallis

Next Week's Book Nook Topic:
 Christmas Stories...continued

Thanks for all that you do for your children and for our classroom!

Love and Blessings,
Mrs. Bradshaw

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