Tuesday, March 31, 2015

April 1st News and Notes

Easter Break
Thursday, April 2nd through Monday, April 6th
We will be returning to school on Tuesday, April 7th.

Science Fair Project
This year's Science Fair will be held on Thursday, April 30th.  Students in grades K-2 are involved in group projects in our classroom.  They will not be responsible for individual projects until they reach the 3rd grade level.  However, please plan on attending on the 30th to see some great work in Science!

Spring Pictures - April 10th
Friday, April 10th will be Spring Picture day.  Please make sure that your child comes to school on that day dressed appropriately.  Usually, the Spring picture is available in a full body or cropped style photo.

Memory Work for the Week of April 6th...please note the change in days due to NO SCHOOL MONDAY, APRIL 6TH:

Wednesday(First and Second)
The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  Psalm 145:8

Friday (First and Second)
"God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"  Luke 18:13

Please note that Reading homework will be coming home on Wednesday and Friday evenings next week due to the shortened week...

First Grade Reading Story:  Kitten's First Full Moon
Vocabulary:  full   poor   another   climbed   through   lucky   leaped

Second Grade Reading Story:  The Tiny Seed
Vocabulary:  desert   gently   burst   neighbor   drowns   drifts

Spelling City is available and ready to be used!  For first grade, please look for the list entitled "April 1st".

First Grade Words:  how  round  dishes  blue  argue  diver  enjoy  overpay  afternoon  vacation  early  learn
Bonus Sentence:  His cat wanted to sniff them.

 Second Grade Words:  nap   napkin   in   index   cab   cabin    visit   object   cotton   happen
Bonus Word:  neighbor

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a wonderful Easter!

Love and Blessings,

Mrs. Bradshaw

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