Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 27th News and Notes

School Is In Session Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Next Week
Our Easter Break will begin on Thursday, April 2nd.  We will return to school on Tuesday, April 7th.

Book It! for March
Please return completed forms to school by Wednesday of next week.  Thank you to all who participated in this program!  Not only do students get extra reading practice, but several yummy pizzas were enjoyed as well.

Classroom Distractions
As stated in the school handbook, "children are not to bring toys or similar articles to school unless requested to do so by the teacher.  Items such as water guns, jewelry, hair accessories, other electronic items, and the like which might be dangerous, or have damaging effects will be collected and retained by the teacher."  Thank you for your attention to this matter!

Memory Work for the Week of March 30th:

Tuesday (First and Second)
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.  Luke 19:10

Next week will be unit test week over Unit 4 in our Reading books.  This means we will not have regular Tuesday Reading homework since we work hard on Unit tests each day in class and we will not begin a new story.  Please take this opportunity to review all of the Unit Four vocabulary and sight words which can be found on the February 13th through March 20th News and Notes posts.

We will not be having a spelling list next week.  Instead, we will be working on a writing project to help us wrap up Unit 4.

McDonalds Superstars of the Week:
First Grade: Ava McKinney
Second Grade: Sam Sherwood

Thanks for all that you do!  Have a nice weekend and week ahead!

Mrs. Bradshaw

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